
We all are travelers

Rasika Hennedige
Rasika Hennedige
simple writer..
Sep 24, 2022 2 min read
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☸️In a jungle.. Lived in a small cottage… The monk is a name..

☸️ Two tourists came one day to meet this monk… So these two knew this monk.. Knowledge and understanding about everything as an armed monk.. But never met this monk…..

☸️ These two who saw the monk for the first time… Had to do pilgrimage early….. 🙏

☄️ monk = Why did these gentlemen come this far.. What should be from me….???.

☄️ Travelers = We’ve heard about you God with so much knowledge and talent.. We came to ask those mercies from God..

☄️ monk = mmmm I just realized my life.. Find yourself through it.. That’s the way.

☄️ Travelers = so Lord … !!!! Lord you show me a way to understand this much.. Many people are playing your virtues.. But your room is too small and it only has a pen candy, a pair of shells and a bench.. Why does someone like you live like this???.

☄️ Beggar = So all you have is a small bag of cloth and a water bottle

☄️Travelers = So Lord we travel we only brought the things we need.. Didn’t come to stay.

☄️Beggar = So I’m also a tourist…. I came for a test about myself.. I didn’t come to stop…

………. May the triple gem bless you !!!! ………………….