Scorpian and the monk
The story about doing good no matter what

One day in a monastery two monks walked about doing their morning duties. As they passed a small bowl, filled with rain, they saw a scorpion was drowning in the water. One monk reached in to save the creature. As soon as his fingers touched the panicking Scorpion, it stung him and the monk dropped the Scorpion back into the water. The monk sighed, and reached back in. This time he got his grip a little firmer, but still dropped the Scorpion when he was stung. He kept reaching in, as his friend looked on in confusion. After dozens of attempts, the other monk spoke up saying “Brother, why do you keep trying to save that scorpion? It stings you every time you come near it. The monk paused before reaching in again and smiled. As another sting bit into his hand, he took a fallen leaf from the ground and pulled the scorpion out to safety. He finally said: “Because it is his nature to sting, and my nature to save. Don’t forget brother, soon either I’ll stop feeling the pain of the sting and he will be saved, or he will stop being afraid and be saved.’ Compassion cannot be stopped so easily.
What we can get from this story is sometime the things we have to deal with in day today life could not be align with our expectations. But if we understand the nature of those things, we’ll be able to deal with them better next time. In this story, stinging when it gets scared is scorpions’ nature as well as many of other animals. In similar manner some people we meet every day cold disappoint us or even could hurt us if we going to deal with them without understanding. But either way we shouldn’t be get upset or angry and should not let that damage our change our good nature. Because good nature will always help you to keep inner peace and won’t allow emotions to cloud your judgments. Those two things will always keep you happy.
………. May the triple gem bless you!!!! ……….