Seven Sorrows
What blocks happiness series. ( article 6 )

Namo thassa bhagawatho arahatho sammaa sam budhdhassa. 🙏
Seven sorrows. ( Hathelawwa)
There are seven sufferings to be experienced while achieving a goal. Everyone has to experience these sorrows.
Have you experienced this in practice? Look wisely.
There are 03 sufferings that occur before achieving the goal. that is,
01- Desire to achieve the goal.
From the moment there is a desire to get something, the mind becomes restless. Every thought and action begins to wear it down. It creates a strong desire to get it. Loses peace of mind.
02- Having to face challenges in obtaining.
Having to suffer physical and mental pains while facing various challenges. In front of those challenges, one has to endure many heart-wrenching things such as defeat, obstacles, trouble, sorrow, pain, etc. This is the second affliction.
03- Uncertainty
The mind behaves in a very uncomfortable manner because the doubt that the goal can be achieved or the opportunity to achieve it will be lost. As a result of this, restlessness of the mind, loss of appetite, anger, restlessness, etc., make the mind unable to enjoy the normal life.
There are 04 sufferings after achieving the goal.
04- The sorrow of protecting what has been obtained.
Here, labor, time and wealth have to be spent to protect what is obtained from thieves, enemies, and kings. Always have to look. No peace of mind. We have to live in fear and doubt. He has to suffer when he finds out that he is a watchman.
05- Suffering of maintenance.
There are many problems that arise in maintaining. maintaining and using it. Due to excessive expenses, losses, and insults, troubles can arise that you would think would be better if you didn’t have it. There, a lot of uneasiness arises in the mind and complicates the simple life, causing a lot of suffering and having to live.
06- Fear of losing what has been gained.
The fear, doubt, and uncertainty of when the hard-earned thing will be taken away from one’s right always makes the mind anxious. Others are always mistrusted. get cheated kidnap They lose their peace of mind because they live in fear.
07- Loss
Indeed, he loses it. It is world dharma. According to Atalo Dhamma, everyone loses what they get. Nothing is permanent. Because everything is subject to impermanent dharma, one must face the sorrow of loss. From the moment the thought of getting something enters the mind, it destroys the peace of mind in seven ways. You have learned through experience that even after receiving it, there is no peace of mind. Because you don’t have this understanding, you are all useless.
But the Arya Shravaka who is aware of this, lives his life in peace, free from sufferings. Our great Buddha preached to live a peaceful and happy human life without getting caught up in these sufferings by being in the company of Kalyanamitra.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu