Pancha Nivarana 5
What blocks happiness series. ( article 5 )

Namo tassa bhagawatho arahato samma sambuddhassa 🙏.
Pancha Nivarana
Our great Buddha preached the five gates that close the path to Nirvana, called Pancha Nivarana.
05- Vichichicha
The fifth door that closes the path to Nirvana is Vichichicha. This means the doubt that arises in the mind about the Dharma.
The Buddha preached that the cause of doubt is ignorance. Due to the fact that this mind is powerful, instead of seeing the truth, an illusion takes place in the mind that sees falsehood as truth. The dire result of this is that both worlds will suffer.
The association of Kalyanamitra is extremely important to get rid of delusional mind. Kalyanamitra tells it the way out from a distance. It becomes evident when you ask with wisdom that there is only one dharma pervading the entire universe. There, in removing the trance that exists in the mind, the doubt that existed until then is removed and the mind is prepared to see the reality. Our great Buddha preached that the disciple who sees the gates of nirvana with wisdom can attain nirvana.
To be Continue..