Pancha Nivarana 3

What blocks happiness series. ( article 3 )

Rasika Hennedige
Rasika Hennedige
simple writer..
Jul 18, 2022 2 min read
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Namo tassa bhagawatho arahato samma sambuddhassa 🙏.

Pancha Nivarana

Our great Buddha preached the five gates that close the path to Nirvana, called Pancha Nivarana.

03- Tinamiddaya (Sleep)

Tinamiddaya is the third door that closes the path to Nirvana. What is known as tinamiddaya is spending time in a sleepy nature.

Our Buddha preaches that sleep causes suffering in this world as well as in the next.

One should know from one’s own experience that one’s wealth, work, family life, property, children, sanity and existence deteriorate due to sleepiness. After seeing Adinava, one should think carefully about the discomfort that comes from sleepiness.

Laziness is the cause of tinamidda. In the absence of laziness there is a constant awakening of happiness in the mind. It works efficiently and successfully. Every action results in the highest possible level. Through the experience itself, it is known that when there is no tinamidda, one can get its pleasure.

Our Buddha preached to see with wisdom that the thinamidda will disappear naturally.

To be Continue..