Pancha Nivarana 2

What blocks happiness series. ( article 2 )

Rasika Hennedige
Rasika Hennedige
simple writer..
Jul 18, 2022 2 min read
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Namo tassa bhagawatho arahato samma sambuddhassa 🙏.

Pancha Nivarana

Our great Buddha preached the five gates that close the path to Nirvana, called Pancha Nivarana.

2- Hatred (Viyapadaya)

The second gate that closes the path to nirvana is hatred.

Devesha means becoming angry, resentful, jealous, unwilling, hard, evil-minded, and conflicted about external and internal goals.

Hatred is the cause of suffering in this world and the hereafter.

Peace of mind is lost due to hatred. The mind is driven to be evil, evil to crush others, envy, anger, revenge, and even to destroy life. Creates a rude, degenerate mind. Wisely see that it is bad for yourself and others.

In order to get rid of hatred, one must see the danger of its results through the experience of hatred. They see that they are causing suffering to themselves and others. One should have a mind to see the Adinawaya and get away from it. Instead of hatred, efforts should be made to create friendship in the heart. Maitri should ponder over the defects of the mind. When the mind sees that a gentle heart, happiness, comfort, love, free and healthy heart illuminates life the hateful heart will naturally disappear.

To be Continue..